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One More Night Page 14

That thought made it difficult to focus on anything other than the replay in my mind of all the things Shae and I had done together. The bone shattering orgasms and the pleasure that, even now, still coursed through my body. It was more than I’d ever hoped for in bed, which, of course, meant too bad such pleasure had come from Mr. Totally All Wrong For Me.

  How fucking depressing.

  All day I had been tempted to snoop around the house, but I resisted because the less I knew about Shae, the better. Snooping would only draw me into his web and into his life, which was a place I felt pretty certain I didn’t belong. And even if I did, he wouldn’t want me there anyway. Those disturbing and morose thoughts made it easy to remember that this was all temporary.

  As in no way in hell it could ever become permanent. Shae’s secrets were none of my business.

  What was my business, however, were all the delicious gourmet items stocked in his fridge. For a man who didn’t cook, Shae kept a variety of deli meats, fresh loaves of bread and all kinds of condiments that I couldn’t resist making into a bigger than life size sandwich. I took advantage of the prosciutto, turkey and three types of salami, piling on provolone and smoked cheddar and plenty of tomatoes and vinegar-tossed lettuce. It was a monster sandwich, and if I played my cards right, I wouldn’t have to make food later.

  The sound of the doorbell startled me as I was putting the mayo back in the giant fridge. I froze while I figured out what to do. Shae had at least two men here to guard the property and very likely to make sure I didn’t try to sneak home or to see Ian at the hospital. How had anyone even made it to the front door?

  But the bell sounded again and I grabbed the biggest knife in the butcher block and made my way to the wood and glass front door, concealing the knife behind me before I opened the door a crack.

  “Yeah?” I said in what I hoped was a threatening tone.

  “Hi.” I stared openmouthed at the gorgeous woman on the doorstep. Was this how they made murderers these days?

  Long blonde hair with big almond shaped eyes, pouty pink lips and enough curves to give Marilyn Monroe body image issues.

  “I’m Layla,” she purred with a smile bright enough to light all of Rocket.

  Of course she was. “Shae isn’t here.”

  She laughed. “I know. I’m here to see you.”

  Okay, this was officially weird as fuck, probably some kind of rich people sex arrangement, and I wanted no part of it. “Look lady—”

  “Layla. The name is Layla, actually.”

  I glared but kept my cool. “Look, Layla. I don’t know what’s going on with you and Shae but I’m not in the market for any bullshit.”

  There was no way in hell I would fight over a man, especially one who didn’t belong to me.

  Layla stared at me for a second and then tossed her head back and let out a laugh that was, of course, husky and sexy as hell. The bitch.

  “You think Shae and me? Oh my God, that’s hilarious!” Still laughing she hip checked me as she walked inside and looked around casually.

  “You might want to lock that, just to be safe.”

  “Other than Layla, you are?”

  She whirled around on long shapely legs and beamed a smile I was sure made men instantly stupid.

  “I am Shae’s soon to be sister-in-law.”

  “Eamon’s lady.”

  “That’s right. And we’ve just added baby mama to the list,” she said sweetly, rubbing her still flat tummy wistfully.

  “Oh. Wow, congratulations!”

  “Thanks. Eamon mentioned Shae had a woman he was being tight-lipped about, but when he told me how you met, I have to admit my curiosity got the best of me.”

  “You wanted to see what kind of skank he’d picked up in hospital parking lot?”

  She laughed. “Hell no, I wanted to see which of us would win the bet.”

  “What bet?” I had a feeling that I didn’t want to know about the bet, but it was too late to shove that horse back in the stable, as they say.

  “Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad,” Layla insisted. “I’ll tell you all about it, if you have anything to feed me.”

  I laughed, deciding instantly that I liked Layla. “I’m Ivy. Come on, I just made a sandwich big enough for a Superbowl party.”


  We settled in the kitchen, the big ass sandwich between us.

  “So,” Layla said, grabbing a plate for her half of the sandwich. “Eamon, Rourke and I were talking about the kind of woman who would finally bring Shae to his knees. The guys are convinced she’d be some femme fatale with cartoon tits and ass, but I was sure she would be sexy as hell but a total sweetheart. A nurturer.”

  “Who says I’m a nurturer?” What was up with her? Did she have a crystal ball or something hidden in that gorgeous hair? I mean, I totally was a nurturer, but she’d known me all of five minutes.

  “Oh please, Ivy.” She looked around with a question in her eyes, and I handed her a napkin.

  “Thanks,” she said and wiped mustard from her lips before she said, “You stayed with him and kept his phone so he could let his family know he was all right.”

  Jeez, this family did tell each other everything. “That’s not because I’m some saint. It’s because I know how it feels not to know, to find out too late to do anything about it. Even say goodbye.”

  “I feel you. I lost my mom when I was a kid.”

  A brief silence fell over us. Two people who knew the power of grief and the uselessness of words in the face of that grief.

  “But that doesn’t change the fact that your act of kindness seems to have captured Shae’s attention.”

  “That’s probably because I slept with him way too soon.”

  “Again, I feel you, Ivy. Eamon and I were supposed to be a quick fling, just a few days, and then we would go on our way. Live our lives separately.”

  “So what happened?”

  “We fell in love. And I was kidnapped.”

  “And Eamon saved you? That’s a great love story.”

  “Actually, Shae saved me. That’s how we met. He broke into a motel room to rescue me. He was all wide smiles and charm. A certified good guy.”

  I nodded because I knew that. I thought. “You don’t have to convince me, Layla. He’s keeping my brother safe, so I know he’s a good man.”

  “But you still don’t want him? Is it the gangster thing?”

  I laughed because that would be the obvious downside of dating Shae, but no, it wasn’t. “Shae and I are casual, nothing more. If more was an option, then I might be concerned.”

  “I can’t wait to see how this all plays out. I’m going to win a thousand bucks and enjoy watching you two fall.” Her grin was so smug that I forgot we weren’t old friends for just a moment.

  “Don’t hold your breath, Layla.”

  “Fine. If you insist on being a party pooper then let me offer you one piece of advice.”

  “I’m listening,” I told her and tucked into the second half of my sandwich, grabbing a few salt & vinegar chips from the bowl between us.

  “Listen to Shae. These guys don’t play around when it comes to protecting the people they care about. They are serious as a heart attack about it. The fact that you’re here, in Shae’s house, means that you are one of those people. Listen and he will keep you and your brother safe, I swear it.”

  I nodded because I believed Shae would keep us safe until his trouble with the Milanos were over. “That’s the plan.”

  Being around Layla was easy. She was funny and self-deprecating, which made it easy to be around her without resenting her beauty. Or her bubbly nature. You’d never know she’d been through everything she’d told me about because she didn’t wear it.

  Not the way I did.

  I’d barely said goodbye to Layla when my phone began to ring in the kitchen, and I ran to grab it. My heart dropped to my gut at the sight of my brother’s smiling face. I hoped nothing was wrong. Again. “Hello?”

sp; “Hey, sis. Turn on the video so you can see my handsome face.”

  I smiled and tapped the red camera. “Ian. How are you feeling?”

  His face appeared, still bruised but looking much better than the immediate aftermath of the beating. The bruises had begun to fade to that ugly yellow-green color that meant good things but left a reminder of the pain he’d been through. In true Ian fashion, his smile was lopsided and engaging.

  “I’m better. The pain’s not too bad, and I think Candace likes me.”

  “That’s because you’re a shameless flirt, Ian Anders.” The sound of his laughter was music to my ears. It warmed my heart to see the past week hadn’t hardened him, even if sometimes I wished it would. Just a little.

  “Me? Nah, I just appreciate the hard work of all the nurses around here.”

  An older woman in purple scrubs ducked into the frame with a sassy smile. “Your brother is the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, honey.” She rolled her deep brown eyes, but her smile was pure affection. Ian had that effect on people. “Don’t you worry. He’s healing up just fine.”

  “Yes, I am,” Ian said as he edged his way back into frame.

  He was doing so well now but looking at him, healing and laughing, all I could see was him lying in bed. In a coma.

  “I’m so sorry this happened, Ian. It’s all my fault. Oh, and a little yours, too. You know. For leaving the hospital, but they wouldn’t have come after you if I hadn’t … sorry.”

  Ian and I were close but there was no way I could share the details of my sex life with him.

  He stammered, trying hard to find a way to tell me what he thought he had to say. “It’s not your fault, Ivy. It’s the fault of the assholes who gave me the beatdown.”

  “You don’t have to say that Ian. I know I messed up and I’m sorry.”

  “Just stop, Ivy. Stop. I don’t need you to be sorry. Shit happens. What I need is my sister, the one who laughs so hard she snorts. The nerd who makes sure everyone eats broccoli by sneaking it into mac & cheese. I want you to stop living in fear, Ivy. Stop waiting for bad things to happen and start enjoying the good things. Remember the good things?”

  I didn’t really remember any especially good times. I remember times that weren’t terrible, times where I didn’t feel like my life was a constant struggle, and yeah, even times when things felt like they were going to start getting good. Any day now. “I do, Ian. Sure I do.”

  “You don’t, do you? You really don’t.” The look of disbelief on his face just about shredded my heart. The humiliation burned.

  “I’m sorry, Ivy. I guess you did a better job than I realized of making things good for me. Now I feel like the asshole.”

  “You’re not an asshole, Ian. And I’m fine, happy. All I ever wanted was for you to have a good life and now because of my bad decisions you were hurt.”

  “Shae is a bad decision? Come on, sis, the guy sent that hulk outside my door around the clock. And I’m sure he’s paying a pretty penny for hulk to be there. How bad can he be?”

  I bit my tongue rather than tell him that it was the least Shae could do, considering everything. He didn’t need to know all that.

  “Yeah, he’s a nice guy. There are plenty of nice guys who might not make good boyfriends, Ian.”

  “Still scared, huh?”

  “I’m not scared, it’s called being smart. Shae prefers casual relationships, and I’m not good at those. We want different things.”

  I didn’t blame Shae. It was a matter of personal preference, but I needed to get off this topic. Too much about me.

  “So what has the doctor been saying about your hospital stay?”

  “Another day and I should be out of here. Your boyfriend hinted that I might not be able to stay at home when I’m discharged.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend,” I said automatically. “And I would listen to him when it comes to your safety, Ian. He’s pretty good about protection.”

  Even though Layla was totally off on most of her advice, she was right about trusting Shae to keep us safe.

  “You trust him with your life but not your heart?” His lips twitched the way they used to when he played a prank on me but couldn’t hold his laughter until the end. “Sounds pretty stupid to me.”

  “He feels some responsibility for my life since I saved his. Can’t say the same about my heart.”

  “It wouldn’t hurt to give it a shot, would it?”

  “I really don’t want to have this conversation with you, Ian.”

  “Come on Ivy, it’s me. You can tell me anything.”

  It wasn’t that big of a deal, and if I wanted to change the relationship dynamics with Ian, then I had to start somewhere.

  “I was at home working when people my age were out having sex, one night stands and making bad decisions. I was paying bills and making sure my kid brother stayed out of trouble.”

  “I remember,” he grumbled angrily.

  “All I’m saying is my relationships have been just that, relationships. Not casual flings. I tried it once, and it didn’t work out because I developed feelings for him.”

  “Okay. All right. Stop! I’m sorry I asked.”

  “Gee thanks, Ian.”

  “I’m kidding,” he laughed. “But I hear what you’re saying, and I won’t badger you. But I think you’re wrong about his feelings for you, for what it’s worth.”

  “Thanks, Ian. I’m glad to see your ugly mug is looking a little less ugly today.”

  He laughed and then coughed before wincing in pain. “Oh shit, don’t make me laugh so hard.”


  “It’s okay. I’ll see if one of these nurses can give me a hot sponge bath. Very hot. Super hot.”

  “Okay, hanging up now! Love you, bye!”

  The last thing I heard was the sound of Ian’s laughter and that sound made me smile. He was going to be okay. Things were going to be okay. And if they weren’t, that was okay too because I would find a way through it.

  No matter what. Ian was right about one thing, I’d sacrificed a lot for him and I’d do it again, but I didn’t have to. Which meant it was time for me to start living.

  To go after what I wanted. Who I wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Waking up with my body wrapped around soft feminine curves was the dose of pleasure I needed, especially with the day I had planned. But I didn’t want to think of anything but my hand full of Ivy’s sweet breast and the other gripping her hip. She was warm, emanating heat as she snuggled her ass closer to me. I breathed her in, getting a deep lungful of rose-scented hair.

  “You feel so fucking good first thing in the mornin’, sweetheart,” I murmured into her ear.

  My dick grew harder at the guttural purr she let out as she stretched, bringing her ass flush up against me. Then the temptress turned in my arm, nipples brushing against my chest, and she hitched a leg up on my hip, letting my cock feel the wet heat between her thighs. Ivy inhaled deeply and laughed.

  “You smell too good this early in the morning, Shae.”

  “Too good? Is that even a thing?”

  Hands on my chest, Ivy pushed away from me, frowning. “It is when I’ve got morning breath.”

  She tried to scramble off the bed but I pulled her close and held her there. “I’ve had my mouth all over you, Ivy. A little morning breath isn’t gonna scare me.”

  “It might scare me,” she said, covering her mouth and muffling her words.

  I pulled her hand away and kissed her palm.

  “Fine,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Good morning, Shae.”

  “Morning, Ivy.” By the time I slipped into bed it was well after midnight and she’d been asleep. Not too asleep to let me pull an orgasm from her, but too tired to talk.

  “Sleep well?”

  “Like the dead,” she purred and pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Did your night … go well?”

  “Do you really want to know?”
  So far Ivy hadn’t shown herself to be like any of my previous women. She didn’t seem too fascinated or disdainful by my family’s business. If anything, she seemed to ignore it altogether. And she wasn’t the kind of girl to ask for all the details.

  “I asked, didn’t I? Did you accomplish your goals?”

  My cock jumped at the prissy question. “What a teacherly way to put it, but yeah. It wasn’t the main goal but it was the first step.”

  I didn’t know how much to share with Ivy, Strangely, it had nothing to do with trust, which scared the fuck out of me just a little.

  “You busted a few kneecaps?”

  “No,” I told her seriously, but my lips had a serious tremble to keep from laughing.

  “Oh I know, you made some cement boots?” She kicked her feet behind her and twirled them at the ankles.

  I rolled my eyes, and she laughed. “Nope.”

  “Anybody sleeping with the fishes?”


  She rolled her eyes as a slow, sexy smile spread across her face. “I’m glad you didn’t get hurt.”


  “Of course. Did anyone get hurt?”

  “No one I give a damn about.”

  “Well that is good news, I suppose.”

  The fire had been beautiful, and the ensuing chaos was satisfying as hell. In the end, Eamon and I compromised. We set the perimeter of the building on fire after we slashed all the tires on every car in the back lot. Then we sat back and watched those assholes scramble to protect themselves. Not their customers but their own sorry asses. But I wasn’t going to give her any details. She didn’t need to know.

  Ivy pulled away, letting the sheet slide down her delectable curves. “As much as I’d like to stay pressed up against you, I need to take a shower and get to the hospital. I’m going to see Ian.”

  “I’ll drive you.” After that stunt last night there was no way in hell I would let her out of my sight for even a second. If that meant spending an hour or two back at the hospital, it was worth the peace of mind.

  She turned in the doorway between the bedroom and the master bath, giving me a fantastic view of her ass and her sweet smile.