Wonderfully Wrecked_Reckless Bastards MC Read online

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  But Lasso was the kind of man who didn’t shirk on his partner’s pleasure, which was why my body already lit up like Fourth of July fireworks as he moved me closer and closer to the first orgasm. “Come on, Rocky. Let me see how fucking sexy you look when you come apart. Show me.”

  His words and his finger pulled the orgasm from me with the force of an invading army, stripping me of every defense as my body gave in to the pleasure. The undeniable rush and satisfaction of a much-needed orgasm. “Dallas!” That was it, one word. Just his name as pleasure swamped me.

  And then I was sliding down his body until my feet hit the carpet, my legs barely able to hold me up without Lasso’s arm tight around my waist. He shucked his jeans, tossed his shirt aside and sat on the sofa. “Come here.” He crooked his finger and I swore to God, it was the sexiest fucking thing on the planet.

  Like the good little girl I wasn’t, I went to him. I let him tug my panties down my legs and watched him inhale the scent of me. I lifted my arms so he could remove my dress and settle me on his lap. His cock was long and hard, wetness already gathering at the tip.




  His big hands grabbed my hips and slid me up and down his shaft until he was coated with my juices. “Fuck, you feel that? How much you want this cock?”

  There was no point denying his words, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of admitting to it, His ego was big enough. But I wanted this because who knew how long it’d be before I found another man I trusted enough? A life as someone else, a single mom someone else, would be hard enough without adding romantic entanglements to the mix.

  I took his thick cock in my hand and leaned forward to kiss him, lowering myself on his erection while my mouth fucked his, slow and hard. “Yes,” I moaned when he was finally buried deep. It felt so good, so right. My body quivered with every thrust and I knew my next orgasm was imminent.

  “Rocky,” he groaned, grabbing my hips hard and moving me in a harder, harsher rhythm that made my whole body rejoice. He pumped hard and fast, taking me on a trip into the heavens and back before finally, blessedly, the dam broke.

  My body shook and convulsed, tightened around him like a vise as I rode out my orgasm, and pulling Lasso’s out in the process. “Yes!” I collapsed on top of him and moaned. “Damn, I missed that.”

  His laugh was deep and amused, no doubt his ego suitably massaged. “No shit. You’re a hell of a woman, Rocky.” I didn’t believe that for a second, it was just one of those things guys felt the need to say in the aftermath of sex. But I didn’t need pretty words or fake promises filled with false emotion. I just needed this.

  “How about we see if we can make it to the bed for the next round?”

  I would enjoy this night with Lasso, make it last for as long as possible and then tomorrow I’d wake up and reach out to the ID guy and then I’d get my ass on the road so I could get settled somewhere before the baby was born.

  Chapter 6


  I woke up with Rocky’s soft ass in my hand and my cock hard and ready for more of what I’d gotten on and off all night. Soft, willing woman. Pliant woman. Adventurous woman. Ravenous woman. She’d been hungry for me, for the pleasure that ignited between us whenever we touched but I was sure she was hungry for something more. The way Rocky fucked felt a lot like goodbye and I didn’t like it one damn bit. Her back was to me, exposing the tattooed thorny stems crawling up her spine and her breaths came deep and even as she slept.

  I wouldn’t let her push me away. As soon as she was up, I’d force her to talk about what she planned to do and what I could do to get her to let me help. But for now, I needed a shower and food. What I really needed was another round with Rocky, but she looked too peaceful to disturb, so I grabbed my clothes and headed to my bedroom.

  The sound of a motorcycle drew my attention in the early morning quiet of the residential neighborhood I lived in, made up mostly of young working professionals and a few families. We never heard bikes here. I wondered what was up.

  I stepped into my jeans and pulled a tee over my head, greeting Savior barefoot on the front steps. “What’s up man?” I wasn’t in the mood for company, but I had an idea about why he’d show up this early.

  He lifted a hand in greeting and dropped down on the top step. “Look Lasso, you’re our brother and we want to help you out here. But we can’t. Not for some chick you don’t even know who’s claiming to be pregnant with your kid. I know you probably don’t want to think about that shit right now but with what you’re asking, we have to ask.”

  Yeah, they had to ask. “Bullshit. My word suddenly isn’t good enough? Good to know.” I knew the club had a hierarchy and I accepted it. I’d gone to battle for my brothers on more than one occasion and I would do it again and again to protect my family. But now that I needed them, there were all these fucking conditions on that help. That’s loyalty?

  “Come on, Lasso. If Genesis is determined to have her, he’ll stop at nothing. That means war, Lasso. Fucking war.”

  No one wanted war. Despite what all the shows and movies sold as a story, war was bad for everyone. No one came out the other side without battle scars, mental and physical, as well as plenty of fucking loss. Lives and money would have to be paid before the war ended. It’d be fierce and bloody. But how could they avoid it when the risk was losing Rocky and my kid? “So, what are you asking here? Get a DNA test and maybe you’ll consider helping Rocky, is that about it?” I pushed off the wall and groaned. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  “Don’t do anything stupid, Lasso.”

  “You mean don’t do anything stupid while wearing my kutte, right?” Because at the end of the day, no matter how much we protested our similarities, the guys in the Reckless Bastards MC were caught up in the same bureaucratic bullshit as the military. “Don’t worry, Savior. The MC’s rep is safe from me.” I let the door slam on my way back inside, stomping through my house on my way to the shower as the anger rolled off me.

  I could’ve asked him to reconsider but I knew it wouldn’t fucking matter. The one lesson my old man taught me that actually stuck with me was that begging didn’t strengthen the rightness of your position, it only made you look weak. It let the other person know how much something meant and that was usually right when they took it away.

  Either way, you were fucked. In this case, the people getting fucked would be me and Rocky. And my kid. If I didn’t figure out something. Fast.


  Work. Just like back on my family ranch in Texas, work was the best way to forget all the bullshit occupying real estate in my mind. GET INK’D was exactly where I needed to be. Permanently inking some skin or stabbing some holes through people would allow me to work through some plans for keeping Rocky safe. My family had houses all over the world, any of which we could use.

  If I went crawling back to my daddy and probably agreed to join the family business. And that was a nonstarter. That meant moving on to plan B.

  “Hey Lasso, who pissed in your coffee this morning?” Jag walked in with a wide, pearly white smile and two cups of coffee in his hands.

  “Savior,” I grunted and accepted the cup, relishing the scalding hot liquid.

  That was all the explanation Jag needed. He nodded thoughtfully, as usual, before he spoke. “Do you think this baby is yours or do you have doubts?”

  “At first I was skeptical as hell, some random chick I fucked one night shows up on my doorstep saying she’s knocked up and it’s mine. I’d be crazy not to, right? But she didn’t, hell she still doesn’t want anything from me. The only thing she’s ever asked for was a place to lay low while she formed a plan.” Saying the words out loud made me feel like a special kind of asshole. Pregnant and afraid and it never even occurred to Rocky that I might have more to offer. “You know why she came to me?”

  Jag chuckled. “Because you’re a Reckless Bastard and she knew you’d protect her?”

sp; I laughed because that would have been better than the truth. “Nope. Because no one knows who I am or her connection to me. I’m the perfect head start for her new fucking life. She thinks I’m gonna let her leave with my kid.”

  “Can you stop her?” Savior asked.

  Shit, I didn’t know. I raked a hand through my hair, trying to get rid of some of this fucking frustration any way I could. “No, but I have to try.”

  “Or…” Jag continued. “You could just let her stay a few days like she needs and let her go. Why get involved at all?”

  “Because that’s not my fucking style, man. Could you let a kid of yours just be out there in the world and not be there for them? Protect them?” Yeah it might make my life easier, but I carried around enough regrets in my life that I didn’t need to add abandoning my own fucking kid to the pot. Knowing there are crazy assholes chasing her to make her some psycho’s slave? Could you do that?”

  Jag shrugged. “For a chick I’d fucked once? Maybe?” But his dark eyes told the truth. He could talk a tough game, but Jag was the best of us.

  “Bullshit,” I said and finished off my coffee.

  He smiled his boyish smile that made all the ladies come running. “Yeah, okay so I couldn’t. But I had to make sure you were solid.”

  “Rock fucking solid, brother.” We bumped our fists and cleaned up our shit, separating to our stations to get ready for the day. Ever since Golden Boy opened the place, it was never quiet. There was rarely a dead minute at the shop and today, that was exactly what I needed.

  “What do you think you’ll do?” Jag’s gaze was clear and sober, offering up the support no one else had.

  “Whatever I can, I guess. She’s stubborn and doesn’t trust anyone.”

  “Sounds like Teddy,” Golden Boy said as he peeked his head out of his office, smiling like the lovesick fool he was. “She came by it honestly. While I was busy mistrusting her, she didn’t trust me either.”

  I didn’t know what he was getting at and I didn’t care. His story only reminded me of how the club had rallied for Teddy before she was even his girl. I mean sure, we all knew she was his before he realized it, dumb fuck that he was, but…dammit. I couldn’t go there, not again. “I need to get my shit ready.”

  “Everything cool with you, Lasso?” Golden Boy’s tone was even but I heard the note of steel shot through every syllable.


  He frowned and I could tell he didn’t believe me, and he shouldn’t have because I didn’t even try to hide how I was feeling.



  We were bullshitting each other but I was done, disappearing behind the privacy screen to make sure all of my tools were how I liked them. When the first customers of the day arrived, a pair of old hippies getting matching wedding ring tats, I got down to business, answering questions on autopilot and just focusing on the work. It was an endless stream of vibrant colors and all black ink jobs, fraternity and sorority ink, hummingbirds, skull & crossbones and every fucking thing in between. The day passed quickly, but not quick enough.

  I was damn grateful when the last customers left and Jag locked the door, leaving us to clean our stations and leave the place looking like less of a pigsty. Golden Boy had checked out earlier, eager to spend time with his new baby and woman.

  I didn’t even want to think about him because I couldn’t, not without getting pissed off and not without wanting to do my brothers physical harm. “I’m out of here. See you around, Jag.”

  “Call if you need to talk, or if you need help handcuffing her to the radiator.” He smirked like he was the funniest fucker in town.

  “Thanks, Jag. For nothin’.” He wasn’t far off though. I knew it would take an act of God to get Rocky to listen to reason, to get her to see that staying with me was the best choice for her safety and the safety of our kid.

  I knew I’d need plenty of ammo just to make her listen and made a few stops to get flowers, chocolate, ginger ale and crackers, plus other things I thought might make her more open to listening.

  As soon as my bike came to a stop in the driveway, I knew something was wrong. The house was pitch dark like no one had been there for a long time, but I unlocked the door and went inside, calling out for Rocky.

  No fucking answer.

  Still, I checked the empty guestroom and prayed that maybe she’d moved her shit to my room since it was bigger, but she wasn’t there. The tiny guestroom wasn’t just empty, it was bare and possibly cleaner than when she’d moved in. In the kitchen, among the loot I’d picked up at the store was an envelope with my name on it in Rocky’s slanted whimsical handwriting.

  Thanks for your help. ~R

  That was it. No phone number or hints about where she might go. No details and not even a fucking goodbye.

  Chapter 7


  Damn this pregnancy business was exhausting, and it seemed to have its own damn schedule that I could either stick to or face the consequences. Today I had to face the consequences since my plans to get out of dodge had been pushed up to right fucking now. I woke up early this morning with a smile on my face, expecting to roll over and smile at Lasso, maybe wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close for a little early morning wake up call.

  Instead, the sound of two masculine voices sounding fucking serious grabbed my attention. Lasso and one of his motorcycle buddies sat outside talking and they hadn’t been very discreet about it, not that they needed to be. Neither of them owed me a damn thing and the minute I’d heard they agreed, I knew my time here was over. I couldn’t expect Lasso to upend his whole life for me, a virtual stranger, and a kid he probably didn’t want. I was used to it, being discarded when I was no longer useful. Hell, since Genesis was the only one who wanted me, maybe I was running in the wrong direction?

  “Yeah, right.” I couldn’t even let myself start thinking like that. It was defeatist, and it would end up with me in a position I didn’t relish: at Genesis’ command.

  That couldn’t happen, so I kept my foot on the gas, pushing towards an unknown destination. I’d hopped on Interstate 15 and drove, hoping to make it to I-80 before I was too tired to keep driving. Which could be any minute now, or in nine hours. It was up to the baby, apparently. As long as I made it to the small town on the Nevada-Arizona border to get my new IDs, I’d consider anything more than that a win.

  But first, I needed food and caffeine, so I turned into the first drive-thru I spotted and loaded up on grease and fat and salt. I was pretty sure pregnant women were supposed to avoid caffeine, so I opted for a milkshake and water to go with my pregnant lady’s feast.

  My phone rang as I sifted through my purse to pay for my meal and like a fool, I answered without looking at the display. “Yeah?”

  “What the fuck, Rocky?”

  Lasso. “Could you be a bit more specific? Actually, don’t. Let’s not do this since I don’t have time at the moment so I’ll just…yeah.” It wasn’t the most eloquent conversation but my goal was to get him off the phone before he tried to get me to reveal my whereabouts. He called back, twice and I ignored both calls, grabbing my food and finding a parking spot with a clear view of the street so I could dig in.

  The phone rain again and I screamed into the empty car. “What?”

  “What the fuck?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “I’m not doing this with you, Lasso. Tell me what you want or stop playing on the phone.”

  “I’m playing? You tear out of here like a bat out of hell and I’m the one playing games?”

  “Oh please, give it a rest. I heard you and your biker buddy this morning. I’m not taking a fucking DNA test and I don’t recall asking for your goddamn protection!”

  “Yeah well, I’m offering it up anyway.”

  “Thank you Lasso, but no thanks. You don’t owe me shit. Go back to your friends and your club and forget you ever met me.” That was what I’d try to do and I knew it would be hard. Lasso and I w
eren’t some great love story, but he was a decent guy who’d stepped in to help me when I needed it. “Seriously, thank you. For everything.”

  A knock on my window startled a scream out of me and I looked up at the intruder with the wide, cocky smile and serious blue eyes. “Why do I get the feeling you’re trying to get away from me, sweetheart?”

  I sighed. “Because you’re more than just a pretty face?”

  “That might be true,” he wagged his finger playfully, “but I won’t be distracted so easily, so tell me what in the hell you were thinking?”

  Who did he think he was? “How did you find me?”

  “One question at a time, Rocky.”

  I growled. “Yeah. Mine. How?”

  He shrugged, and it was so damn infuriating I wanted to start the engine and run over his damn feet. “Your location is on, probably because of the GPS.”

  I dropped my head onto the steering wheel, smacking my forehead against the center and causing a small beep of the horn. “Why did you follow me? Are you trying to get me killed?”

  “You know I’m not. I don’t give a damn what you think you heard me and Savior say, I’m going to keep you safe.”

  “I’ll keep me safe, thank you very much.”

  I wasn’t trying to be a bitch, but I stood a better chance on my own.

  “Must you be so damn stubborn, woman? That’s my baby you’re carrying in your belly which means it’s up to me to keep you both safe. I don’t care if you like it, Rocky, not one fucking bit. I care that you and my kid are safe. Got it?”

  Did it make me a weak slut that his tough guy, alpha forcefulness got me just a tad hot and bothered again? Because it did. More than a tad. But that wouldn’t be happening anytime soon, not with such a high-handed jerk.

  “Whatever,” I told him and rolled the window up, determined to finish my meal in my last moments of peace because I knew Lasso wouldn’t let this go.


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