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Wonderfully Wrecked_Reckless Bastards MC Page 6
Wonderfully Wrecked_Reckless Bastards MC Read online
Page 6
“You’re good at that, taking a bunch of shitty vegetables and turning them into a delicious meal. Is that ginger?”
Her smile lit her up face when she confirmed there was fresh ginger in the dish. “You have a good palate, and I thought all you ate were military packs and steaks.”
I frowned, and she rolled her eyes.
“Because you’re from Texas.”
I smiled and shook my head. “I did my time eating MRE’s. They’re not as bad as you think but they’re also not this damn good.”
I knew if I let her, we’d continue to have these meals and we’d shoot the shit, talking about our likes and dislikes, favorite musicians and movies. Even though we’d gone out a few times, it was like a first date, getting to know each other, but it was still surface bullshit. If we were going to have a kid and if I had a chance of convincing Rocky to marry me, we had to dig deeper. “Who taught you how to cook?”
“The internet,” she said drily, her eyes blank and shoulders stiff. “Dad wasn’t around much so it was up to me to look after myself. After a while bologna sandwiches got old and then I discovered the Food Network. From there the world was my oyster.”
“Shit, I thought my hovering parents were bad.” They were overbearing, and the weight of their expectations could be crushing but we always had the basics. Always.
She moved around the kitchen adding stuff, stirring, tasting while she talked. “Dad wasn’t bad, not really, but he didn’t have a traditional line of work, which meant he didn’t keep a normal schedule. After a job, depending on how it went, he’d have to lay low in whatever city he was in until things cooled down. I was on my own a lot, but I coped.”
Rocky was a survivor. No matter what life threw her way, she found a way to make it work for her. It was an admirable trait, one I hoped she’d pass on to our kid.
“My parents,” I said, trying to snatch a sample out of the pan before she smacked my hand, “were there with a capital T. Rose Petal, Texas was named after my great-great-great grandmother’s English rose skin.”
Big green eyes widened, at the grandeur, the ridiculousness or the pretentiousness of all, I didn’t know.
“Right? Anyway, that meant everything was all about appearances. My folks thought they’d dictate my entire life by dangling a sprawling ranch and a big ass trust fund in front of me. They wanted to pick my major in college, the girl I’d marry and what I would do on the ranch until it was time for me to take over, which would have been whenever the hell my daddy felt I was ready.”
I smacked the table, the tension of reliving those times enough to make my anger rise.
“So, you joined the military instead and when you came back ran away from all of their expectations? Cool, how does it feel?”
I expected her to tell me family was important and that I needed to reach out to them. That was what everyone had always said, as if it was so fucking tragic that my perfect parents now only had my younger siblings to weigh down with their old school ideas.
“Honestly? It feels damn good.”
“Amen to that.” She lifted her cup of iced tea and knocked it against my beer bottle with a smile. “Freedom. Ain’t nothin’ like it.”
“You ever been in love?”
“Nope.” She shook her head for emphasis and her red hair bounced around her shoulders. “You?”
“Nah. I’m not sure if I believe in it.”
She barked out a laugh, clutching her side. “A man who doesn’t believe in love, how original.” Then she served up the best-tasting veggies I’d had maybe ever.
“Come on now, darlin’,” I said, digging in and savoring the ginger. “It’s nothing like that. My mama and daddy are in love with each other, as much as either of them can be when they’re more concerned with keeping up appearances. Daddy’s had a few affairs but as long as no one knows about it, she’s all right with it.”
“Damn. I don’t know if that’s tough or stupid,” she said. “I mean you’re obviously rich since you’re throwing out words like trust fund, but aren’t affairs like chess pieces for divorce court?”
Some old memories flashed on the screen in my mind but I quickly let them go. “And become a divorcee? Mama would never allow the scandal. Anyway, I think she had her fun, too, but I’d prefer not to think of either of them as sexual beings.”
Her laughter was musical as she pushed her plate away and leaned back in her chair. “Your mom sounds hardcore, but I’ll bet she’s so proud of you.”
“She’d be prouder if I came back to Texas to take over the company.” Which I would never do. Ever.
“Will you do that eventually?”
“Hell no. Daddy’ll run the company until the wake starts, which means I would have wasted my youth working myself into an early grave for a company that wouldn’t be mine until he’s dead and buried.”
“Wow. Your family is way different than mine. How are your folks going to feel about this whole baby out of wedlock thing?”
“They’ll hate it, but they hate everything. But they’ll be happy about the baby part.”
“Because, lineage, of course.”
“Of course,” I shot back with a smile and our gazes collided in a long, intense lock that heated the room to boiling. It had been too long since I last slid into her tight little pussy, too long since she clenched around my cock and just that quickly, all I could think about was Rocky.
Crying out my name.
“Oh boy, that changed fast.” She squirmed in her seat and fanned her face with a nervous laugh.
“Too fast?”
“I want to say yes, absolutely,” she began with a breathy whisper, “but I don’t like to lie to myself.”
“Good, because I want you, Rocky. Holding your body against me every fucking night, feeling the way your nipples harden against my palm. It’s good but it’s nowhere near enough.”
She sucked in a breath and licked her lips and I was gone. On my feet and at her side in just a second. “I need to have you, Rocky.”
“I’m right here, Lasso.”
Fuck, the way she said my name made my cock bang against my zipper trying to break free of his constraints. One hand cupped the back of her head and my mouth crashed against hers in a feverish kiss. Her lips were soft, her tongue tasted of ginger and garlic and I devoured her. Plunged deep into her mouth and let my tongue explore like it was the first fucking time I’d been there.
She moaned and clung to me, flinging her arms over my shoulders and playing her fingers through my hair. Soft hands combined with her soft, lush body and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to hang on for much longer. When her other hand slid under my shirt, my muscles twitched and she giggled. “Your body is insane.”
I laughed. “Pretty sure that’s my line, sweetheart.” Her laugh turned to a moan as I cupped my hand between her legs. “Are you ready for me?” She nodded and pushed the t-shirt up my chest and over my head.
“I’m ready. So ready,” she growled and flicked a tongue over one nipple and then the other. “So. Fucking. Ready.” Her tongue played from nipple to nipple and down my chest, licking and kissing every inch of my chest while she unfastened my pants.
“Rocky,” I growled.
“Lasso,” she shot back. “Rope me, cowboy.”
I did as any good cowboy would, exactly what the lady asked. She shoved my pants down my legs and pushed me into her seat, my hands never leaving her hips, pulling her closer until she stood between my legs, fingertips grazing my hard cock. “Rocky.”
“Suck me or fuck me, but please stop fucking teasing me.” And to my fucking delight, she dropped down between my legs and fisted my cock in her hand, looking at it in wonder, like she couldn’t believe this was happening. I knew how she felt. Women usually gave blow jobs because they wanted something but when Rocky’s soft lips wrapped around my cock and began that slow, moist drag up and down the length
, I let out sounds I didn’t even know I could make. “Ah, Rocky.”
She moaned her response and I could feel her smile as she worked my cock, hands and mouth in unison to drive me insane. Her moans came faster and deeper, like she was enjoying giving me head, taking more of me in like she couldn’t get enough of my dick in her mouth.
And then I couldn’t think about anything but the soft rasp of her tongue against my even harder than before cock, the way my tip hit the back of her throat, the way her hands gripped my thighs and her throat tightened and swallowed as my orgasm shot out of me, hot jets of come shooting down her throat. “Ah, Rocky, fuck! Yeah! Fuck, yeah!” My hips jerked, and she took me all the way back until her tongue brushed against my balls. “Rocky!”
I lifted her up off the floor and stripped her down, letting my gaze feast on her naked body. Her tits were fuller, but her belly was still mostly flat though I could see a few changes and I fucking liked them. Knowing my baby was inside her, I had to get my mouth on her. “You don’t need to, Dallas.”
“I know but I need to.” Her gaze darkened with desire but her pussy clenched with how bad she wanted me. I lifted her feet and put one on each arm of the chair so she was open to me, pink and wet and slick. I held her open and licked her from her asshole to her clit, letting the low wail of pleasure wash over me.
Yeah, that was the sound I wanted to hear so I did it again. And again. She was frantic, panting and wiggling while I licked and sucked her little nub and made her cry out sweet nothings, incoherent words of pleasure that made me ache for her.
“Lasso!” Over and over she moaned my name and then her body jerked and my tongue slipped to her back door, drawing another loud gasp from her.
“I see you like that,” I told her and did it again. Some women didn’t like ass play but most only pretended not to. I was glad Rocky was open so I slipped a finger into her soaking wet pussy and pulled it out slowly, making sure it was coated as I eased the tip into her tight, heart-shaped ass. “Just tell me what you feel.”
“Full,” she panted. “And good.”
My tongue flicked over her clit, over and over until she was writhing and no longer worried about feeling full, instead she squirmed and inched closer. I ate her pussy until her juices coated my face and dripped down my chin, and my finger drilled her tight ass until a powerful orgasm shot out of her.
“Oh, oh Lasso…fuuuuck!”
The picture of her coming apart, flaming curls making her look like some sexy otherworldly creature. Her skin flushed pink and shook with the aftershocks of her orgasm.
Almost made me come again.
“Lasso, wow!”
I chuckled and sat back on the chair, feeling masculine pride when she slid from the table on wobbly legs and straddled my hips.
“Wow is my specialty, darlin’. I can’t seem to stop until I’ve made you scream.”
She gripped my cock and lowered herself on to me with a moan that made me so hard my vision blurred.
“I admire that level of dedication,” she told me with a little rock of her hips. “And I feel a scream already starting deep inside me.”
My hands went to her hips, grabbing her hard enough to bruise as I thrusted up into her. “That deep?”
The little minx grinned and tilted her head back. “Deeper.”
I went deeper and harder, faster and harder, slamming into her with all that I had, her sexy gasps of pleasure egged me on, daring me to give her everything.
And I did.
By the time we made our way to the bed in a sweaty heap of limbs, I’d given her everything and then some while she gave back just the same.
Leaving me spent yet eager for another round.
“Answer your damn phone, Lasso!”
Rocky’s sleepy, irritated voice penetrated the fog of sleep but not enough for me to move. When she shoved me, though, I heard the chime of the phone. “Not my phone. Yours,” I grunted.
“Mine is on vibrate ‘cause I’m not an animal,” she groaned and pushed at my shoulders until I sat up and laughed when her phone began to shudder on the nightstand. “Wrong again.”
She groaned and sat up, reaching over to flip on a light. Her expression annoyed, then worried. “Why are all the phones ringing?”
That was a good damn question. “Must be an emergency with the club.” That was likely enough to have me off the bed and in search of my own damn phone as the symphony of sounds continued.
“None of your club people would be calling me, Dallas.”
Her use of my given name brought me up short. “You’re right. Answer yours,” I told her and sat on the bed beside her as she slid the green button on her screen.
“Hello?” She strained to hear but there was nothing but white noise on the other end. “Hello?” Ten seconds later she ended the call and looked to me. “Now you.”
My phone still sat in the kitchen along with the dishes we’d discarded in passion.
“Yeah?” I said, breathless from the rush through the house to catch it before the last ring.
Someone was there but the fucker wasn’t speaking, and I knew who it was.
“Fucker.” I ended the call and glared at the still ringing phone.
“It was silent,” I told Rocky as she joined me in the kitchen, looking better than I ever could in my own damn t-shirt.
She took a deep breath as she stood by the cordless phone fixed to the wall between the kitchen and the dining room, put her hand on the receiver and lifted it from the cradle. “Hello?”
“You can’t fucking run from me, Rochelle!” Even across the room I could hear the crazed voice with the maniacal laugh. “I’ll find you, bitch!” With a loud click, the call was over.
Rocky’s face went white and she shook like a leaf in the wind, the phone still in her hand as reality settled over her. “He found me. He found me.” She kept repeating the words over and over, scaring the shit out of me.
“It’s okay, Rocky. I’ve got you.” My arms went around her, pulling her to my chest while she continued her chant.
“He found me.” She pulled back, green eyes slaying me with fear and worry, defeat swimming in her gaze. “I was supposed to be long gone by now, dammit. Now he’s found me, and you too.”
“Don’t worry about me, Rocky. I can take care of myself.”
“I know that, you idiot. That doesn’t mean you deserve this particular brand of crazy.” One hand cupped the side of my jaw and she smiled wistfully. “I’m sorry about all this.”
“Me too.”
“If I leave within the hour, I can put a few states between me and them, but you should probably call your club. You’re going to need them.”
Rocky was pissing me off and she was so busy making plans that she didn’t even realize it. I followed her down the hall and back to our room. “Where the fuck do you think you’re going?”
She turned with a frown. “I have to get out of here, Lasso.”
“I thought you were going to let me take care of you. Or was that just bullshit for a few more nights of fucking?”
She laughed but it was harsh and cold and bitter. “No dick is worth risking my life, Lasso. Not even yours.”
“Then, what the fuck?”
She sighed like I was the crazy one. “I heard you talking to your club friend. They don’t want this trouble any more than I do. I understand that, but now Genesis is coming after you, too, and they’ll be ready to fight for you. Me? Not so much.”
“And what about you?”
Her smile was sad when she told me, “I can take care of myself.”
“I know you can, but you don’t have to. I’m here, I’m a badass and I am your personal fucking protection.” She laughed and buried her face in my chest.
“You might be a badass, but we’re compromised.”
She was right about that and I didn’t know whether to kiss her, fuck her or marry her. It was the middle of the night, a stone’s throw fr
om Vegas, and I could do all three before the sun came up.
Chapter 11
“We talked about this. It’s important that you keep your stress to a minimum, Rochelle.” Dr. Tipton gave me her best chastising smile as she took her seat beside the exam table.
“I’m working on it, Doc. But sometimes life conspires against me and it’s happening with alarming frequency these days.” It was the truth, but I knew she was right. I couldn’t let the stress get the better of me. “I’m open to suggestions.”
“Yoga. Some facilities even offer prenatal yoga, but the most important thing of all is to make sure you’re handling it in a healthy way.”
“Like sex?” The doctor smirked but I was sure she heard that question all the time. “That’s a good stress reliever, isn’t it?”
“It is,” she said, and I could hear Lasso chuckling in the chair next to her. “And it is a perfectly acceptable method of stress relief, provided you’re safe and you don’t ignore signs of pain or discomfort.” She stared at her chart before turning back to me. “How’s your nausea?”
“Still here.”
She nodded and looked down again. “You haven’t gained as much weight as you should, but your weight isn’t concerning. Yet.”
“Shouldn’t she have a bigger belly already?” Lasso had finally risen from the dead and asked a question since he’d demanded that I let him drive me to the appointment and then he just wormed his way into the exam room using the worried first-time dad routine. It worked like a charm.
“It’s also fine. One day you both will wake up and you’ll find it there. Don’t worry unless there’s something to worry about.” With a kind smile, Dr. Tipton washed her hands and prepared to let me hear my baby’s heartbeat for the very first time. “Ready?”
I gave a sharp nod. “And terrified. Is that normal?”
“It’s perfectly normal, Rochelle. Now, listen.”
I closed my eyes as the room filled with a steady thump-thump-thump in rapid succession, over and over again. Thump-thump-thump. “That’s…the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in my short, miserable life.”