Wonderfully Wrecked_Reckless Bastards MC Page 7
“Incredible,” Lasso whispered, and I opened my eyes to find him standing above me, one hand resting on my shoulder in a proprietary manner. Like I was his and he was mine.
“Yeah, it’s incredible. It’s not too fast is it? Or too slow? Which is worse, fast or slow?” My head was spinning with a thousand questions, more pressing than ever, now that my kid’s heartbeat was the soundtrack to my mental processes.
“Baby’s healthy. As it should be.”
With my nerves settled, I cleaned up and redressed, making an appointment for the next month before Lasso escorted me out of the hospital with one hot hand on my lower back. “That was amazing. My baby’s heartbeat.”
“Our baby’s heartbeat. It’s my baby too.”
I sighed and accepted his help getting into the SUV. “I’m not trying to take away your role in all this, Lasso. But you never said you wanted to be involved and I can’t afford to wait until you decide.”
“You’re kidding right?” He shifted the gear back to Park and turned to me. “I asked you to marry me at least fifteen times and you still haven’t given me an answer.”
“You don’t love me!”
“And you don’t love me, so fucking what? We’re having a baby.”
He just didn’t get it.
“We all didn’t have the luxury of a loving home and an idyllic childhood, Lasso. You walked away from yours for good reasons but I’d like a chance to have that for myself and for my kid.”
It wasn’t something I’d ever admitted out loud—ever—because it was my dream, just for me. If it didn’t work out, no one would ever know.
“And you think I can’t give you that?”
“I think that without love, the hard shit is that much harder to deal with. When you’re around out of obligation, it’s easier to book it when life gets too life-y.”
“So, you want love even if it kills our baby?”
“If the baby’s dead, I’m dead. Remember?” I turned away from him. “I’m not having this conversation. Let’s go.”
He put the car in Drive, fuming as he turned out of the parking lot. He was a man not used to feeling helpless and I knew it had to eat him up inside, but this was my life. I couldn’t let him just start running it now. He would never stop, and I’d never be able to take care of myself again.
“I’m not trying to be an asshole, Rocky.”
“I know, but you are trying to get me to make decisions about my life that I’m not ready to make. I know Genesis is nuts and that can be dangerous, and I’ve seen his goons’ work, so I know what I’m up against. But I can’t—no I won’t—compromise myself just to make you feel better.”
“That’s not what I’m asking.”
“Isn’t it?”
“No,” he sighed and looked in his rearview mirror for at least the tenth time since we started driving. “I’m so fucking worried, Rocky. All the damn time, do you get that? I don’t usually worry about anything, so this has kind of fucked me up, okay?”
“Was that so hard? I mean I know you guys live and die by the idea that you’re so frustratingly emotionally constipated that nothing real ever gets discussed.”
“Quiet,” he growled.
“Don’t tell me to be quiet, dammit! Just listen one damn minute.”
“Rocky, shut up!”
My mouth snapped shut and I stared at him.
“That car has been following us since we left the hospital. Does it look familiar?”
I turned over my shoulder to see what had spooked the big bad Lasso. A shiver went down my spine when I saw the yellow Trans Am with a black dragon on the front hood. I knew it well.
“That’s Big Boy’s pride and joy.”
“Good to know,” he grunted and hit a sharp right and then another before losing our inconspicuous tail.
“Now darlin’, we plan.”
Chapter 12
The yellow fucking Trans Am was still on our ass, following every turn and attempt at misdirection. Who in the hell used a neon yellow sports car to trail someone? I wasn’t complaining because it made the asshole easier to spot, but it also meant being invisible wasn’t his priority.
“We can’t go back to your place,” Rocky said. “If they found us they probably followed us from there.” Her voice was cold and blank, like she was in shock, only used to it. “We need to lose them.”
I frowned and looked at the cool-headed creature beside him. “Them? Do you know who’s with him?” I couldn’t see who was in the car because I wouldn’t let them get close enough for that shit.
“No, but I’m sure I can guess. Probably Mosko or Guerilla. They’re both crazy as hell and if they’re not dead, that’s who he’d send.”
Her gaze kept flicking to the side mirror every few seconds, giving away the nerves she did a damn good job of hiding.
“Shit. I would’ve liked more time to plan this out but—”
She glanced around and barked, “But that’s not the story of my life. Look, we have to get rid of them and then we can figure out what to do.”
Before she picked up her phone and started typing, she checked the windows. “Okay, get on the freeway in half a mile and then stay in the left lane until I say otherwise.”
I frowned at her cool, bossy tone. “I think we should—”
“Just fucking listen to me for now. I’ve got this, yeah?”
I nodded at her confidence and pulled behind a moving van to turn onto the freeway.
I had no idea what was going through her pretty little head, but I merged into the lane and punched the gas until I was in the left lane going about ten miles over the speed limit and climbing.
“Want to fill me in?” I asked, moving the car forward as I spotted the yellow eyesore swerving through traffic to catch up with us. “Big Boy’s closing in.”
Rocky didn’t even look up, she just nodded and slid her finger over the phone screen. “I know. He’ll keep two cars between us,” she said absently, looking up at the sign we passed and back to her phone. “As soon as we pass the next overhead sign, get in the middle lane and do it quickly. Speed up and then hit the brakes before you get over.”
I laughed. “Rocky, I think I know how to—”
I did what she said, watching in the rearview mirror as the Trans Am scrambled to get over and having trouble with the thick crush of cars as we drew closer to the heart of Las Vegas. “Seriously?”
She nodded and looked up at me before casting a quick glance over her shoulder. “Pay attention Lasso, we need to do it again.”
“Where are we going?”
“The strip. Do you have anyone who can leave us a different nondescript car somewhere?”
“Yeah.” I handed her my phone. “Dial Savior and put it on speakerphone.” She did what I said, barely sparing me a glance, which I should have been relieved about because this would have been a complete fucking nightmare if she panicked. Instead she was saving us. “I need you to leave me the blue sedan,” I began.
“At the Bellagio parking garage,” Rocky called out.
“You heard that?”
“Yeah. What’s up?” Savior’s voice was gruff and annoyed, probably because I interrupted something with him and Mandy.
“Can’t talk now. I’ll explain later but if you can do that ASAP we’d really fucking appreciate it.”
He groaned again. “Shit yeah. I’ll leave a little something for you in there,” he said and clicked off.
I opened my mouth to tell Rocky she could drop the phone, but she spoke first. “Okay we have a mile to go so listen.”
“I know how to get to the Bellagio,” I told her, only mildly impatient.
Rocky let out an annoyed sigh of her own. “The car isn’t there yet and I know how to get there, too. Speed up and find a space to get in that’s just big enough for one car. One car, Lasso. And keep your turn signal on.”
I smiled. “This bossy side of you is really fucking hot, Rocky. I
just wanted you to know.”
Her cheeks stained a sexy shade of pink and I laughed.
“Yeah, thanks.”
She shook her head, eyes going to the yellow car trying desperately to catch up with us.
“Take this exit at the last possible minute even if you have to cut someone off.”
“Ooh, a bad girl.”
Watching her turn out so capable and direct, so focused on her goal, was hot as fuck. I followed her instructions just like it had been drilled in me to do on the ranch as a kid and then the military as a man, cutting off a cube truck and blocking our exit from Big Boy and his companion.
“Excellent.” She beamed a smile up at me and placed a hand on my forearm as we took the curve that would get us closer to The Strip. “Now we just have to get lost in this traffic until your friend can get us the new car.”
“So, this is what you do? Figure out how to win in any given situation?”
She shrugged like it was no big deal, but I was damned impressed and more determined than ever to keep her safe because now I knew just how far Genesis would go to keep her.
“No, I plan shit and I do it well.”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
If this was how she worked on the fly, I could only imagine the kind of money Genesis and his guys had pulled in.
“Let’s keep your skills between us for now, okay?”
She nodded. “Fine by me. Turn into this parking garage,” she said, still focused on her phone.
“This isn’t where we’re going.”
“I know that, Lasso,” she said, words dripping with annoyance. “Just turn, please.”
I maneuvered into the right lane and turned into the parking garage and grabbed a ticket. “We don’t want them to spot us, not even from far away. Take the south exit out of here.”
That’s what we did for what felt like an hour, drive in and out of parking garages until we got word from Savior. “You plan on running from them forever?”
“No, Lasso, I don’t.” She set her phone in her lap and held mine, eagerly awaiting the call. “Right now, my goal is to stay alive.”
Right. We both jumped when the ringing phone broke the silence in the car and she hit the answer button.
“Sixth floor right by the ramp. Six four nine.” He disconnected the call and my shoulders relaxed. I’d feel better if we could get inside, at least for a little while. Rocky guided me through another garage that led us to Las Vegas Boulevard and to our final destination.
We quickly switched cars, leaving the ticket under the windshield of mine for whichever of the prospects were assigned to retrieve it.
“This is a good choice,” she commented as she slid into the passenger seat. “We should swing by your place first.”
Was this the pregnancy brain everyone was talking about? “Didn’t you just say the house was probably compromised?”
She shrugged. “I said swing by. If they know where you live that’s where they’ll be waiting for us to return since they were dumb enough to lose us on the road.”
Shit, she made a good point. “Fine.” I turned back out of the parking spot and we took the long route home just in case.
When I pulled into the driveway Rocky grinned. “At least we have one more night of normalcy.”
I let out a frustrated groan as I stepped from the car. How in the hell were we going to survive this? Without my brothers, we were doubly fucked.
“Your focus is for shit this week man, what’s up?” Golden Boy had done what he needed to. After two days of half-assing my job he called me to his office.
“Just some shit going on that I need to deal with.” I hadn’t returned any of Savior’s calls since he dropped off the car and I knew he had questions, but I wasn’t ready. Rocky claimed she was working on an exit plan, but she was so fucking tight-lipped I didn’t know if that was bullshit or not.
“Tell me about it.”
I looked at Golden Boy with his long fucking mane of blond hair. The contented look he wore was so different from the man who’d returned to us after six years of wrongful incarceration. He was relaxed and happy. That caged animal look was gone. And I thought maybe if anyone would understand, it would be him. “Has anyone told you anything about Rocky?”
“The chick you banged at Max’s wedding who showed up claiming to be pregnant with your kid? Maybe a little,” he smirked.
“That smartass girlfriend of yours is rubbing off on you.”
“Plenty of rubbing does go on,” he said with a dirty grin and I rolled my eyes. “And she’s my fiancée now, asshole.”
I guess I’d been more absent than I realized. “I hadn’t heard. Congratulations. It’s about time. I was wondering how many kids you’d have before you married the woman, shit.”
“Please. Teddy has put it off so much I’m beginning to get a complex about it.” His wide, shit-eating grin made a liar out of him. “She has her reasons and I respected them, then one day out of the blue she stands in front of me naked as the day she was born and says, ‘I’m ready to marry you.’” He shook his head, his expression pure disbelief even now. “That was it and here we are.”
“I’m happy for you, Golden Boy. If anyone deserves all this, it’s you.”
“You too, it looks like.” His expression was now serious, something it was still hard to get used to after months of scowling and angry absence. “There is nothing on the fucking planet that would ever stand between me and my family. Nothing and no one could stop me from doing what I could to protect them. Not the law and not the club,” he said pointedly, and I knew he’d been looped in on our earlier discussions. “Family is family, Lasso. No matter what kind of family it is, no one knows that shit more than guys like us. But sometimes, a man has to do what the fuck he has to do. Know what I’m sayin’?”
I nodded because I knew exactly what he was saying. No matter how it happened between us, Rocky was mine to protect. She’d scoff at me saying it like that, but it was true. Our child was growing inside her and I had to keep them both safe. Whether the Reckless Bastards had my six or not. “Thanks, Golden Boy.”
“Anytime. But before you do anything stupid, talk to Cross again.”
I grunted yes because that was what he wanted to hear but nothing had changed in that regard.
“I can handle it but thanks.”
I spent the rest of the shift coming up with different plans that didn’t involve running away even though I knew that was what Rocky wanted. We were safer here in Mayhem with the MC than on the road in unfamiliar surroundings. Things had gone quiet for the past two days, but they wouldn’t stay that way forever.
“Come on Lasso, lets close up shop and grab a beer.” Jag stood at the entryway to my station where I was putting away the tattoo gun and straightening my shit, so I wouldn’t have to do it tomorrow.
“Can’t. Got some shit to take care of tonight.”
“One drink,” Jag insisted, sounding impatient. “Come on.”
I followed Jag out and we made the short drive to the clubhouse. Instead of going inside where it sounded like there was a party going on, we grabbed a six pack from the fridge in the back and sat outside. The clubhouse was far enough away from Vegas that the lights were a sight rather than a nuisance. We could see occasional stars in the sky, burning bright on a clear night like this. “What’s up, Jag?”
“That was going to be my line. You’re quiet as fuck, you don’t talk to anyone and I haven’t seen you in days. What’s going on?”
I took a long pull on the dark beer, letting the bitter icy liquid slide down my throat. “Nothing. I’ve just been busy.”
“And Rocky? How is she?”
I sighed and looked at Jag. He was my closest friend but right now I couldn’t separate that from the club’s refusal to help and that wasn’t fair to him. “She’s fine. Still sick on and off all day and so fucking emotional. She cried when an old man was found guilty on Law & Ord
er and wanted to throw away the TV after watching cable news for three hours. Straight.”
Jag whistled, looking equally horrified and amused. “You don’t look like you hate it.”
“I don’t,” I admitted to him and myself for the first time. “She’s stubborn and barely lets me help with anything but I don’t hate it.” I should. A baby was not in my plans right now but there was one on the way and I wanted it. I wanted Rocky, too, but that would have to wait until she was out of harm’s way.
“Let me know if I can do anything, Lasso. I know you’re not happy with…shit but you know I got your back. Shit, you do know that right, asshole?”
I laughed, and we knocked our beer bottles together. “Yeah, I know it and I appreciate it, dickhead.” It was good to know that if the time came where I needed help, I would have some. “What’s new with you?”
“Nothing much. You ever think about friends you lost touch with when you went into the service?”
“Sometimes but not much. Most of those guys were hometown boys. After college they’d go back and run the family business and marry a local girl.”
Jag laughed. “I always forget you’re from Mayberry.”
“Rose Petal,” I corrected more out of habit than any desire for him to know. The smile died on my face when I saw Cross ambling towards us.
“Lasso. How’s it going?”
I shrugged, not really in the mood to talk. This was why I didn’t want to come here or go out anywhere. I didn’t want to pretend I wasn’t pissed the fuck off. “It’s going. You?”
Cross shrugged and Jag laughed. “Mighty fine weather we’re having folks,” he said, his face lighting up at his joke.
Cross and I glared at him and he only laughed harder. “Oh sorry, I thought we were doing bullshit small talk impressions. Hey, I see someone I know over there,” he said. “I’m heading home anyway. See you guys later.” Then Jag quickly left me alone with the club Prez.
Cross asked, “You gonna run from me forever?”